June 28, 2009

Summer Travel Plans

My weekend travel and short vacation schedule for the rest of the summer are now materializing as I've made plans with some new friends and agreed upon dates with others. June went by so fast, but I found time to hike the Wadi Mujib Nature Reserve for 7 hours with a group, which is adjacent to and whose river flows into the Dead Sea. The hike was literally 1 hour marching over an arid landscape and 6 hours navigating the river and repelling down a waterfall. Highly recommended. Here's the tentative schedule for the coming months with dates marking Fri-Sat weekends.

2 Aqaba (Jordan’s only port, acclaimed for its coral reefs)
9 Petra (UNESCO site, Ancient city carved into rock)
16 Damascus (historical capital city, rich culture)
23 Damascus (meeting friends)
1-5 Beirut (beach, friends, and Mediterranean life)
13 Ramallah (capital city, rich culture, friends)
21 Depart for France
7 Return to New York

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