Environmental Education Programming
-Summer Booth: make sure there’s enough handouts, etc
-Club: advertise
-Mural: no funding yet, delay project till spring
Vetiver Wastewater Management Project
-Approval to lay 6-8 rows of vetiver/rock barriers through mile long polluted stream.
-Concerned about vetiver runoff in flood, no soil to grow in. Not a big issue
-Secure rocks with chain link, vetiver in barrels

Tree Planting
-Fall at school (small #), Spring in community (5000)
-Need to map houses, allot tree amounts (work with Hamada)
-Wanting olive, almond, and fruit trees
Rosemary and Cheese Co-ops
-Talk with Kareem about cheese factory products marketing, design, and advertising
-Holland NGO Human Force has begun marketing, Talk with them.
-Rosemary- 20k hectares up for sale and no buyer. Need interest from someone locally- then will start project
-Get Paula info and photos of new rosemary building and schedule tentative date for her visit.
-Create potential plan and itinerary for Summer 08
-Give to Mo to revise, translate to French
-Give to association to act on
-Found artisans in town; talk to them about assisting and connect with Kareem.
Toilet project
-Plans drawn for mosque toilet, need to implement
-Push septic design, but probably settle for raised latrine
-Stress seriousness of shallow water table
GPS Training Followup
-Give new MapInfo to EF tech's and answer ?s.
Zimbabwe Hut
-Write grant, gather materials, and start project with Hassan after Ramadan.

SIBE EE posters
-Gather gazelle materials and discuss with Justin.
Plant survey of Gafait
-Photos gathered, consolidate into book with FileMaker, and present to EF.
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