Houman after 8 hamburgers at Mickey’s Burger (Disney theme) in Agadir in December at inservice training for 45 PCVs. Too cheap, too disorganized, or too assimilated to dine out or go to the clubs, this was our main activity on the 4th night at training. 6 contestants, all you can eat hamburger contest. The winner ate 10, my roommate Houman was runner-up. I know he would have won if the stakes had been doubled. He suggested a post-competition foot-race back to the hotel for medalists. In fact, he was passed out in the room 45 mins later, a victim of a drunken hamburger stupor. (Note, Houman, a Chicago native, has been my roommate at every training session: stateside in Philadelphia, in Rabat, and Agadir. We have 2 left. It’s too bad I can’t see him more often. He’s on the western coast in the Essouaira region).
James, I wish to know, why do you leave these mean things on your blog? Do you think you make fun of us?
I don't understand. This post was about my friend Houman, an Iranian-American pcv and other pcv's at a tourist hotel in Agadir. It has nothing to do with nor implies any ill will towards Morocco. If anything, it makes fun of the US as a fast food nation. If you'd like to further discuss this, feel free to email me.
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