After class each day, several guys have been heading out to the plaza like sacrificial lambs to talk to the local kids. What I mean by this is that the children love to gather around you and talk to you all at the same time. Most speak a little French, some know a little English, all are patient and enjoy repeating and listening to the same catch phrases again and again. The 11 year old boy that has become my tutor is coincidentally named Zacharia (my middle name). I'll include a picture of him later. The girl posted in this photo is Marianna. I don't know her age, but her two older sisters, including one who took this photo, weren't far off. In the background I believe, you'll see the beginnings of a nightly soccer game.
This coming week I'll be at community based training, which means that I'll spend the week with a host family, where I'll be working on my language skills.
Keeps you alive after being inside, in a tense setting..have your scored a soccer goal yet?
TOO CUTE!! Thought you would like to know that KU lost to Bradley! Very pathetic game:( Hope all is going well and we, Jess, Ava and myself think of you often! Jo-Jo and Vedder say "Hi".
The picture of Marianna is a beautiful reminder that children all over the world are special - no matter their ethnicity, economic status, or age. Her bright eyes and sweet smile are so full of trust and hope. Just as the children/youth that you encounter are blessed by meeting you - you will be even more blessed by having met them.
I find it interesting that soccer is an avenue for communicating with the children and youth. When I went to Mexico on the mission trip - soccer was also a means to relate with one another.
Zac really enjoy your blog. Finding it fascinating and I actually looked up Morocco on the map and now I know where you are. Sounds like such a hugh undertaking learning all the different languages but what an experience you are getting. Take advantage of it while you can. Be safe and we look forward to more adventures.
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